CMR PU has always been a place that encourages students to follow all their passions and has always given us the necessary information, advice, and guidance to carve out future paths.

Career Day was conducted in our college on 23rd November, a Saturday, where we had many people from various industries coming and speaking about their careers and how we could follow the same path.

We started off with an introduction of every speaker and then we had a panel discussion of the topic ‘Careers of Today and the success in each career’. The panellists were asked questions based on the topic and the answers were all to-the-point and definitely taught me many things, such as, never stop learning through every situation, and much more. We then had a question-answer session between the students and panellists.
After that, every student made their way to the rooms of their choice where they could gain knowledge on the careers of their interest.

I stayed in the amphitheatre for the talk on Interior Design, conducted by Mrs. Sonya Suri, the owner of iDesignz. She started off by asking us a few questions that tested our basic knowledge of design.
She then told us about a few basic rules that every interior designer has to follow, like following the usage of feet and inches in measurement, which was definitely a piece of knowledge that was unknown to me!
She then proceeded to draw the basic layout of a bedroom with a bathroom, window and a door and asked us to add in a bed, cupboard, study table and design it in our way, which was sensible but also creative. This little activity was very useful and thought-provoking and I learned quite a lot from it.

She also gave us a few basic facts here and there about the measurements that designers use for the various sizes of beds and other things as well. She then entertained questions from all of us and didn’t hesitate to give us the right advice on following our passions throughout our lives and to constantly learn from each situation that comes our way.

I am glad that I attended the very interactive session on interior design as that is one of my dream careers as well! I learned so much that I didn’t know about this field of design from Mrs. Sonya and I am grateful to her and the organizers of Career Day!

  • Tarannum Qadri – II PU

Posted by anithai

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