Literary day. So what exactly does this mean? The thought of this gives one a perspective of events related to literature and writing. That’s exactly what it means. Literature in its different forms can change one’s view towards living. It lays the foundation of a fulfilling life. It also adds life to living. In view of this, CMR National PU college celebrated Literature and its various forms on 7th September 2019 as Literary day.

The events conducted on this Literary day were:
 Fandom Menace
 Poetry writing
 Quiz
 Debate
 JAM(Just A Minute)

The day started off with much enthusiasm and anticipation by both the students and the staff of CMR for this day. The first event conducted was Fandom Menace. The students had a span of 1hour to write about 250 words on the topic that was given to them. Next event was Poetry writing. Most participants were more involved in Fandom menace as it intricated no set boundaries and they were able to pen down their thoughts and stories.

Events like Quiz, Debate and Jam were conducted succeeding to the previous events. The quiz was engaging for both the participants and the audience. The quiz masters innovated the structure of the rounds and made creative use of audio-
visual aids to inject novelty and suspense into the quiz. The audience had quite a large response as they got to know more about the world around them and inculcate general knowledge. Next up was the debate. Its fundamental purpose is to facilitate thought and opinion exchange in addition to its primary goal of promoting democratic values in society. The highlight of the event was the question-answer round, as a volley of questions were answered confidently by both sides, inviting counter questions which were aptly answered by witty and vivacious speakers.

Last but not least the final event for the day was JAM. The speakers were asked to pick a topic on the spot and are given a minute to speak about the topic they were provided with. All the speakers spoke to their full potential. It requires an immense amount of courage and gallantry to come up with a speech in about a minute or so about the topic and present it in front of everyone. Students displayed their flair for the language.

Winner of the Debate Competition

All in all the Literary day was a whole new experience and a full filled day, thoroughly enjoyed by both students and teachers.

  • Keenisha Kannan

Posted by anithai

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