Staying at home during this time of crisis has been surprisingly very productive for me by attempting fun activities like painting, baking, learning how to play the piano, and much more but mainly, my interest in photography.

Photography is the art of capturing light with a camera. There is a lot in the field of photography that you can try but due to the lockdown I was not able to capture a lot but I started off by clicking a few pictures of nature around me.

 I did not start with a fancy big camera or a huge setup. All I made use of was my smartphone’s camera and natural light. 

Once I discovered what photography was, I was amazed to see the land be alive in with color and vibrancy. I gained interest in clicking impulse pictures to record our memories.

When you start capturing pictures you automatically have a story to share. They can be small pieces of a jigsaw that complete the larger picture of our lives.

Photography is a complex language. Our images can express joy, sorrow, and sometimes wonder and sympathy. Photography has allowed me to develop a visual language for some of the most difficult emotions.


Thrishika Arul (I PUC, ITPL)

Posted by anithai

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