In the current education system, teaching is widely recognized as a profession that requires both a set of academic skills and a set of life skills.  

Education taught in the school gives marks for the academics however they can’t teach how to deal with the day-to-day activities. School enable learning through studying continuously whereas learning outside school is a continuous process that happens without studying  The ability to lead a life is with human nature and the skills acquainted from life
Itself. The life lessons help to be adaptive to the situations and deal with the multiple-facets society 

Regardless of gender and socio-economic position, life skills are essential for every living being. Life skills are for living. Let the deer learn to escape in narrow paths before it becomes prey, let the eagle learn to hold the snake by claws in a swift and let the salesman on the street try to catch the attention with his giggles and jingles on the road. All require these life skills to survive and are acquired by self with the demands of survival.

How Are Life Skills Important to Teachers

1. Planning and Organise: Plan or Perish – The team has to lead by example by planning and organising which is one of the most important life skills. All teachers spend their time creating lesson plans, managing classroom environments, and organizing materials for instruction. Brings out efficient results: A proper plan never fails in bringing futile results. The systematic approach towards your tasks can be helpful for fast and efficient results. It helps in progressing and evaluating your personal growth. 
Keeping classroom materials organized is essential for the success of students when materials are easily accessed. The need to keep materials organized applies not only to school but also to home as well.

2. Communication: A teacher should be proficient in all four modes of communication – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – and should know how to utilise this proficiency effectively Communication skills are vital for interactions with students because the act of teaching itself requires them. In your role, you are responsible for comprehending and breaking down complex information, conveying this information clearly to your students (both verbally and in written resources), presenting in a manner that sustains their attention, and 

3. Adaptability: Recent times have seen Teachers take enormous responsibility to continue the academics of the wards and ensure they get the same quality of knowledge and make progress further. This adaptability has made a huge impact on the education system and channels. Besides this, each teacher should adapt to the various requirements of the students and be constantly watching the wards’ responsiveness to adapt to them accordingly. Also to be adaptive to the methodology of teaching to the adolescent pursuing pre universities and have a lot to moderate themselves to various discipline issues. Some are easier and some need effort and the same teacher will be making facet approaches to resolve.

4. Empathy: Neither the students nor the teachers are machines, neither of them works as output and input devices to share information from textbooks, store it in memory and reproduce it during exams. Teachers deal according to students’ EQ, not only with IQ. Teachers have empathy which can help students connect better and feel comfortable reaching out and responding to others. Teachers are always required to adapt to different learning styles, motivate students to learn, build supportive relationships using encouragement and empathy, and manage the environment. All of these things require to empathise with the student’s abilities to comprehend and bring in better methods of teaching to connect with the students.

5. Technology: This is especially more demanding when imparting knowledge remotely and assessing involves multiple analyses to objectively assess the new analysis age. The ability to manage multiple online portals, and channels of teaching, and managing soft records and assessment keeps the teacher ahead of information demands and ready for analysis yielding to technical assessment of the students. 

6. Time Management: Teachers are a driving force of knowledge. But, if you look at the amount of work they do with the responsibility of hundreds of tasks to cover, it is important to have a treat for their multifunctional brain by scheduling a proper time management routine. To give 100% results and bring out efficacy in work, time management skill is a must for teachers. 

What are the Benefits of Time Management for Teachers?
Occupied with multiple endeavours, managing the schedule can benefit teachers in many ways.

  • Helps in making you more productive: Proper planning of the tasks boosts your confidence and makes you prepared for the rest of your day. It unleashes the productive side more often. You witness a drastic change in your procrastination and as an individual, you become more energetic towards your daily assignments. 
  • Creates balance between professional and personal life: By managing your time, you will be able to enjoy your work more. Your professionalism is just a part of your life, and by scheduling it appropriately, you will be able to balance both aspects perfectly. It relaxes your mind and gives you an energy booster. 

7. Teamwork: Teaching is now not just a book and a teacher’s job. The subject’s modes of change are updating often and the need to work together is increasing throughout their careers,  the methodology of experiential-based learning poses a bigger challenge and teachers need to collaborate with various resources to bring the best modes of explaining. 
Cooperation is inevitable as the students’ academics need to be addressed from various disciplines be it main subject, sports arts and other curriculum, all teachers are required to extend the team spirit with others so that students get balanced coaching and will build up their sportive spirit. This will further benefit from seeing how others work in a team setting through the eyes of their teachers. This will make it easier for students to become part of a team themselves and be better prepared for the world.


Teaching is a highly stressful job, but all teachers must try to maintain good organizational skills because that’s how they can stay on top of their game. In today’s economy, resources are difficult to come by, and teachers need to be as efficient as possible. The organization allows a teacher to be more successful with students in the classroom.

N.Bala Haritha
Computer Lecturer

Posted by cmradmin

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